Strategies for the international insertion of honey in the United States market




quality, commodities, competitiveness, differentiation, positioning, segmentation


The United States leads the world in honey imports, sourcing from various sources. The purpose of the work was to study the international insertion strategies used by Argentina, India, Brazil, Vietnam, Ukraine, Uruguay and New Zealand, in order to identify the factors that explain their dynamics. Quantitative indicators were studied: export unit price (U$S/Ton); target market share (TMS); the Competitive Quality Index (QCI), the Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (IVCR), as well as average growth rates in value and volume. It was complemented with qualitative variables around the form of marketing. The results indicate the presence of comparative advantages revealed in all the countries studied. Brazil and New Zealand obtained a QCI>1 reflecting greater added value in their products. Argentina was the country with the largest share in the destination market (TMS >20%); Uruguay presented a TMS< 5%, although with high growth rates. The segmentation, differentiation and positioning strategies used by New Zealand are highlighted; the cost leadership strategy employed by Vietnam, India and Ukraine. Argentina is positioned for its quality honey, although the low differentiation faces competition for price.


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How to Cite

Dulce, E. G. (2023). Strategies for the international insertion of honey in the United States market . Revista Agrotecnológica Amazónica, 3(1), e453.

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