Information system for document management in the Faculty of Engineering




acceptance, digital document, organization, UML


In the face of the advancement of the technological era, the development of solutions to automate processes and carry out manual tasks in office activities has given rise to the idea of document-oriented information systems, an alternative for managing the flow of information within an organization. In this regard, the aim of the article was to determine the influence of the information system on the document management of the Faculty of Systems Engineering and Computer Science at the National University of San Martin. Therefore, an applied study was conducted, specifically an experimental study with a pre-experimental design. Questionnaires were administered to a selected group at two different time points. The information was processed using the statistical program SPSS. Among the results, it is worth highlighting that the asymptotic significance value evaluated between the two samples revealed a p-value of 0.000, which is lower than the significance level of 0.05. This reaffirms that there is a significant difference, thus leading to the conclusion that the use of an information system significantly influences the document management of the Faculty of Systems Engineering and Computer Science. Additionally, the developed computer system was accepted by 80% of the users.


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How to Cite

Aranda-Manchay, H. R., & García-Estrella, C. W. (2023). Information system for document management in the Faculty of Engineering. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 3(2), e521.