Effect of "Boosting my pronunciation" on the suprasegmental elements of accent, pauses and tone of English in language students at a Peruvian university





learning, items, phonetics, phonology, suprasegmental


The objective was to determine the effect that the proposed activity, when applied, has on the suprasegmental elements of accent, pauses and tone in the students of the VI cycle, who are studying the subjects of Phonetics and Phonology of English at a Peruvian university. The research was pre-experimental, where we applied a pre-test, activity development and post-test to a sample of 28 students from a population of 128. The activity demonstrated to have a significant effect on the suprasegmental elements of accent, pauses and tone, since the average of scores of the post-test (14.46) is higher than that of the pre-test (5.46), observing a less dispersed coefficient of variation than in the post test of 12.22 compared to 34.43 of the pre-test. We conclude that the suprasegmental elements of the English language related to accent, pauses, and tone should be studied from the beginning of language acquisition, together with vocabulary and its functionality, to obtain acceptable phonic models that are very close to a native English speaker.


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How to Cite

Cavero-Egúsquiza-Pezo, J. (2023). Effect of "Boosting my pronunciation" on the suprasegmental elements of accent, pauses and tone of English in language students at a Peruvian university. Revista Científica Episteme Y Tekne, 2(1), e488. https://doi.org/10.51252/rceyt.v2i1.488

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