Natural Diet (BARF) vs. Commercial Diet (CROQUETTES)

Cost-benefit evaluation in Creole dogs in the Department of San Martín




BARF diet, Croquettes, Cost Benefit, San Martin


The present work was carried out with the objective of evaluating the cost-benefit relationship of a natural diet (BARF) and a commercial diet (CROQUETAS) in Creole dogs, in the city of Tarapoto. We worked with a total of 16 dogs, of which 8 were males and 8 females, with ages between 4 - 6 months of age, with similar weights and sizes. The animals were separated into 2 groups according to the diet used: 8 on the BARF diet (4 ♂ and 4 ♀) and 8 on the commercial diet (4 ♂ and 4 ♀). For the BARF Diet, age and weight were taken into account, corresponding to 8% of live weight. The ration consisted of 60% meaty bones, 20% meat with fat, 10% viscera and 10% vegetables. The commercial diet was fed using a well-known brand of commercial food, provided according to its specifications. Feed consumption was determined with the difference between the weight of the feed provided to each animal minus the rejected feed. The cost / benefit was the feed conversion by type of diet multiplied by the cost per Kg of each diet. It was observed that the cost benefit the difference in soles between diets to gain one kg of food is S /. 28.76; Therefore, it was concluded that the BARF diet has more economic benefits.


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How to Cite

Terán-Piña, J. ., Chong Insapillo, J., Rojas-Vasquez, Z., Gutiérrez-Arce, F., & Roque-Alcarraz, R. (2022). Natural Diet (BARF) vs. Commercial Diet (CROQUETTES): Cost-benefit evaluation in Creole dogs in the Department of San Martín. Revista De Veterinaria Y Zootecnia Amazónica, 2(1), e309.

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