Silvopastoral system, feeding and biotechnology for sustainable animal production




The scope of the animal productive potential with the consequent improvements in the holistic panorama of agricultural activity, represents one of the most important purposes that biotechnology and animal feed have in common (Hamed, 2016). This explains the relationship that they have been maintaining for several years and is expressed in the different research works (Alagawany et al., 2022; Bonneau & Laarveld, 1999) that have shown results with a more comprehensive perspective, since both sciences have known how to complement each other efficiently. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that researchers in the area insist on proposing research that seeks to analyze these factors and that more light be generated to achieve sustainable and nature-friendly animal production, to satisfy the nutritional needs of the population. This also requires permanent interdisciplinary work, where the results show the transversality of the proposed objectives.


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Alagawany, M., Farag, M. R., Sahfi, M. E., Elnesr, S. S., Alqaisi, O., El-Kassas, S., Al-wajeeh, A. S., Taha, A. E., & Abd E-Hack, M. E. (2022). Phytochemical characteristics of Paulownia trees wastes and its use as unconventional feedstuff in animal feed. Animal Biotechnology, 33(3), 586-593.

Bonneau, M., & Laarveld, B. (1999). Biotechnology in animal nutrition, physiology and health. Livestock Production Science, 59(2-3), 223-241.

Hamed, I. (2016). The Evolution and Versatility of Microalgal Biotechnology: A Review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 15(6), 1104-1123.

Saltijeral Oaxaca, J. A., Cordova Izquierdo, A., & Pérez Gutiérrez, J. F. (2003). Producción Animal Sustentable. Foro Nacional sobre la Incorporación de la Perspectiva Ambiental en la Formación Técnica y Profesional UASLP, 18.



How to Cite

Puicón-Niño-de-Guzmán, V. H., & Gutiérrez-Arce, F. (2022). Silvopastoral system, feeding and biotechnology for sustainable animal production. Revista De Veterinaria Y Zootecnia Amazónica, 2(2), e408.

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