Algorithms and their effect on agriculture
process automation
farming, automation, algorithms, artificial intelligence, ITAbstract
Artificial Intelligence emerges as an essential part of the technological evolution of agribusiness, with the objective of providing the producer with accurate information for decision making. The purpose of the bibliographic review article is to present the algorithms applied in various studies and analyze their effect on agriculture, taking into account empirical evidence from various investigations. Scientific articles published in the Scopus, Scielo, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ScienceDirect, Latindex and Google Scholar databases were reviewed, using the Mendeley reference search engine. 40 articles were selected based on the criteria of relationship with the topic, level of impact and year of publication in the last five years. It is concluded that countries such as India, Colombia and Peru implemented artificial intelligence immersed in their policies aimed at agricultural production, with which they have managed to position themselves as benchmarks with high levels of productivity and competitiveness.
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