Application of an educational program based on social networks to generate commercial skills in restaurant owners in the Tarapoto district
business skills, gastronomic management, managers, marketing, strategiesAbstract
Social networks have grown exponentially and have a significant impact at the social level, in this sense, taking advantage of their use and characteristics can be beneficial for the transfer of knowledge to entrepreneurs in the gastronomic sector and boost business in the field. The objective of the research was to determine the effect of an educational program based on social networks in the generation of commercial skills in restaurant owners in the district of Tarapoto. The research design was pre-experimental, quantitative, to 20 managers from different restaurants, whom we trained to improve their commercial skills based on social networks, later we designed and applied a survey to determine the achievement of the skills. We obtained as results, 35 and 50% of the managers achieved regular and high commercial competitions. We conclude that the application of an educational program based on social networks has a positive impact on the generation of commercial skills in restaurant owners in the district of Tarapoto.
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