Traditional Computing, Quantum and their future applications




cloud computing, quantum computing, quantum applications


The 20th century witnessed all the technological advances made thanks to the appearance and development of computing. Since the first appearance of the computer, technology has grown and thanks to the high range of innovations and creations, complex Information and Research Systems were developed. However, Traditional Computing is fulfilling its "long cycle" of life, giving way to other technological paradigms. It is there where Computation and Quantum Clouds appear that will facilitate the resolution of more complex scientific problems. In this article, we will do a chronological review of the Long Cycle of Traditional Computing, origins of Cloud Computing, and finally, the emergence of Computing and the Quantum Cloud. We carried out research through an interpretative design, of the documentary type, the same that determined the selection, access and registration procedure of the documentary sample. As a result, we shown the evolution of Cloud Computing since its inception in the twentieth century, the different types of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services that are currently provided, the birth of Quantum Computing, the current providers and the future that awaits us with this technology


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How to Cite

Vargas-Torres-Céliz, E., Lara-Baltazar, G., Mollinedo-Chávez, L., & Ricaldi-Arauzo, R. (2022). Traditional Computing, Quantum and their future applications. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 2(1), e201.