Importance and effectiveness of graphotechnical expertise in the identification and accreditation of document falsifications, San Martín-Peru


  • Karina Milagros Ordóñez-Ruiz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta
  • Estefany Magali Flores-Vargas Policía Nacional del Perú
  • Pat Jaffet Saavedra-Perez Policía Nacional del Perú
  • Luis Alberto Ordóñez-Sánchez Universidad Nacional de San Martín



authenticity, copy documents, forgery, jurisprudence, expert


The study focused on analyzing the importance and effectiveness of graphotechnical expert reports conducted by the Forensic Graphotechnics and Criminalistics Unit of the Peruvian National Police in the departments of San Martín and Loreto (Yurimaguas). This unit specializes in determining the authenticity or falsity of documents, signatures, and handwriting, playing a key role in resolving crimes related to document forgery. Graphotechnical expert reports not only complement the judicial process but also serve as a fundamental element, supported by the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, and comparative law, which emphasize their 100% critical importance. During the study period (2021–2022), an effectiveness rate of 73% in 2021 and 72% in 2022 was achieved, demonstrating consistent performance. A total of 126 cases were resolved, analyzing 1,120 samples through 160 expert reports, highlighting the reliability of the process.


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How to Cite

Ordóñez-Ruiz, K. M., Flores-Vargas, E. M., Saavedra-Perez, P. J., & Ordóñez-Sánchez, L. A. (2025). Importance and effectiveness of graphotechnical expertise in the identification and accreditation of document falsifications, San Martín-Peru. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 5(1), e776.

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