User claims and administrative procedure in a sanitation service Provider Company
effectiveness of claims, Emapa San Martín, stages, typologyAbstract
The objective of the study was to determine the influence of the administrative procedure on the effectiveness of the claims of the users in a provider company, classifying the claims according to their typology and analyzing the administrative procedure in its stages. The research was of a basic type, descriptive level and cross-sectional non-experimental design. The population and sample were made up of 50 resolutions of first instance claims; using documentary analysis as a technique and as a guide instrument for documentary analysis. The results indicated that the most frequent claim according to its type was the commercial one related to billing with 96%, compared to 0% of operational claims and 4% of claims not related to billing. Regarding the stages of the administrative claims procedure, in the investigation phase evidence was used in 96% compared to 4% where they were not acted on; in the conciliation process, 98% did not reach an agreement compared to 2% where it was reached; and in the decision, the resolutions were declared unfounded in 72% compared to 28% where they were declared founded. Concluding that the administrative procedure does not influence the effectiveness of user claims in a provider company.
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