STEAM Learning

an inclusive practice




inclusion, problem solving, collaborative work


The term STEAM refers to the study and teaching of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and art, which considers its application from the level of preschool education to higher education. The purpose of its methodology is oriented towards the development of critical and systemic thinking, self-management and institutional self-innovation. The methodology used was documentary, that is, based on a national and international bibliographic review on the STEAM approach, through specialized search engines: Concytec Library, Mendeley, Redalyc and Google Scholar. The STEAM approach represents a valuable contribution to the educational process to encompass the main actors in education, promote competencies, joint actions, of a collaborative nature, between teachers and students of any educational level. Therefore, there is a need to emphasize the promotion of science and technology throughout the entire educational chain based on the training of skills in children and young people, as well as the need to implement in the teachers a wide competence in pedagogy and technology, with flexible-creative and interdisciplinary thinking to propose the development of strategies and configure favorable learning environments.


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How to Cite

Lam-Byrne, A. G. (2023). STEAM Learning: an inclusive practice. Revista Científica Episteme Y Tekne, 2(1), e466.