Population growth of the rotifer Brachionus quadridentatus Hermann, 1783 applying different diets





Chlorella, macambo, massive production, rotifers


Brachionus quadridentatus Hermann, 1783 is a rotifer species common in continental waters used in aquaculture for mass production. The objective of this study is to evaluate different diets in the population growth of this species under controlled conditions. The culture was carried out in nine flasks of 500 mL and a useful volume of 400 mL of filtered water where 20 rotifers were sown per flask and were fed with Chlorella sp. at a concentration of 1,8 x 106 cell (T1), Theobroma bicolor flour, 50 mg/ml (T2) and the mixture of both (T3), all in triplicate, for 15 days. Rotifers were counted daily, and population growth parameters were evaluated. The water quality parameters were within the appropriate ranges for the development of the species. The highest population values were with Chlorella sp. (productivity of 421 ± 78,52 ind. mL-1, growth rate of 0,38 ± 0,01 day, doubling time of 1,81 ± 0,06 day, and with a maximum density of organisms of 6,345 ind. mL -1). The best population growth parameters were with the use only of the microalgae Chlorella sp.


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How to Cite

Ismiño-Orbe, R. A., Fernández-Méndez, C., Ramírez-Arrarte, P., Alván -Aguilar, M., & Murrieta-Morey, G. A. (2024). Population growth of the rotifer Brachionus quadridentatus Hermann, 1783 applying different diets. Revista De Veterinaria Y Zootecnia Amazónica, 4(2), e868. https://doi.org/10.51252/revza.v4i2.868

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