Implementation of a virtual classroom to improve the satisfaction of high school students in a Peruvian educational institution
COVID-19, distance education, digital resources, ICTAbstract
The satisfaction of students about distance education is important and focused on the idea that information and communication technologies (ICT) are valuable and didactic resources for teaching-learning different from the traditional one, aligned with the bicentennial plan of the Ministry of Education. This research proposed to implement a virtual classroom and improve the academic satisfaction of the students of the 5th year of the I.E.I. Virgen de Guadalupe, Banda de Shilcayo, Perú. A pre-experimental type design was used with a sample of 42 students, to whom two Likert-type instruments were applied. Among the results we can specify that the initial satisfaction of the students was medium in 50% and low in 36%, later 71% qualified the virtual classroom as adequate, that, after its implementation, 86% of students presented high levels of satisfaction. It is concluded that the implementation of a virtual classroom will significantly improve the academic satisfaction of high school students in a Peruvian educational institution.
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