Evaluation of the conventional didactic model in the teaching-learning process of the English language in peruvian public educational institutions





conventional didactic model, teaching model, school performance, second language


The development of the cognitive, affective and volitional-actional dimensions seeks to promote the experiential potential of students in the process of learning the English language in educational institutions, however, not applying the appropriate teaching-learning models generate non-significant experiences for the students. The objective of the study was to analyze and evaluate the teaching-learning process of the English language proposed by the Ministry of Education of Peru (MINEDU), applied in public educational institutions. For this, a descriptive, non-experimental, quantitative theoretical study was carried out; the sample consisted of 225 students and 2 english language teachers from a public institution in the district of Tarapoto, to whom an independent questionnaire was applied. The results showed that the methodology taught by the MINEDU on the teaching of the English language presents little motivation and participation of the students. It is concluded that the conventional didactic model does not promote experiential states in students, leaving learning only in the cognitive plane.


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How to Cite

Castañeda Almerí, Y., Rodríguez-González, C. V. ., & Cavero Egúzquiza Pezo, J. . (2022). Evaluation of the conventional didactic model in the teaching-learning process of the English language in peruvian public educational institutions. Revista Científica Episteme Y Tekne, 1(2), e402. https://doi.org/10.51252/rceyt.v1i2.402

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