Trophic status and limiting nutrient of primary production in a tropical shallow lagoon
eutrophication, trophic state index, Lake Maracaibo, coastal lagoon, nutrientsAbstract
Coastal lagoons are ecosystems frequently subjected to high levels of environmental stress due to the strong anthropogenic influence exerted on them, which leads to the acceleration of their aging process. In the present work, the trophic status and the limiting nutrient of biological production in the Las Peonias tropical lagoon (Zulia, Venezuela) were determined by calculating four trophic status indices and nitrogen/phosphorus ratios, respectively. To this end, 10 surface water samplings at 10 sampling stations were performed to later analyze the following parameters: transparency, dissolved oxygen saturation, chlorophyll a, total nitrogen and total phosphorus, using standardized methods. According to the results obtained, the trophic categorization of the lagoon is hypereutrophic, due to the high influx of polluting substances from Iragorri ravine and Araguato channel. Although the limiting element is nitrogen, the general concentrations of nutrients are high, contributing to the eutrophy process that develops in this body of water. These findings serve as a basis for the ecological understanding of the ecosystem and the formulation of integrated water resource management plans.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Julio César Marín-Leal, Marisabel Méndez-Faría, Geraldin Urdaneta-Ospino, Andreina Fernández-Álvarez
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