Compliance with the right to a healthy environment in relation to the perception of particulate matter in the inhabitants of La Banda de Shilcayo




balanced environment, fundamental right, respiratory diseases, particulate matter


Explaining what a balanced environment means incurs in our total well-being that we have as people, it means that well-being must be intra and extra personal, a fundamental part of that joy is precisely the environment in which we carry out our activities, the research was carried out in the district of La Banda de Shilcayo, province and department of San Martín, with which compliance with a healthy environment was verified in relation to the perception of particulate matter in the inhabitants of the district in question; As part of compliance with our fundamental rights, the direct observation methodology was used, fragmenting the district of La Banda de Shilcayo at the convenience of the investigation, since the study is descriptive, for which 90 residents were surveyed in situ in a technical and scientific way, demonstrating that more than 70% of the population is uncomfortable and uneasy with the presence of PM10 (dust in the streets), this worsens the resignation of the inhabitants towards this affectation, in addition, the frequent attentions in the center of hospitals, according to experts, are accused of respiratory diseases and allergies, which they diagnose as being a product of particulate matter existing in the city.


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How to Cite

Ordóñez-Ruiz, K. M., Ordóñez-Sánchez, L. A., & Oblitas-Quiroz, V. H. (2023). Compliance with the right to a healthy environment in relation to the perception of particulate matter in the inhabitants of La Banda de Shilcayo. Revista Amazónica De Ciencias Ambientales Y Ecológicas, 2(1), e392.

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