Fermentation and drying conditions in the physical-chemical characteristics of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Cultivar CCN 51


  • Angel Chávez-Salazar Universidad Nacional de San Martín http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7430-2181
  • Américo Guevara-Pérez Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
  • Christian Encina-Zelada Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
  • Pierre Vidaurre-Roja Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Victor Muñoz-Delgado Universidad Nacional de San Martín




fermentation drawer, Castro Naranjal Collection 51, drying methods, polyphenols


The study evaluated the effect of the height of the fermentation box and the drying methods on the physicochemical characteristics of CCN 51 cocoa. Cocoa pods were processed through the fermentation box and dried in the sun, with a solar dryer or with air flow. hot. It was found that the least degradation of polyphenols (16.9%) occurred at 1m height and the least loss of anthocyanins (42.4%) at 0.20m. After 96 hours of fermentation, the samples reached an average temperature of 52.3°C and a final pH of 4.31. The soluble solids decreased from 19.5 to 0 °Brix after three days of fermentation. Regarding the drying methods, the flow of hot air produced the lowest percentage of degradation of polyphenols (29.9%) and anthocyanins (65.1%). The samples dried in the sun and those dried with the solar dryer presented significant differences in the degradation of polyphenols. The selected drying method was with hot air flow, and the samples presented the following characteristics: 8.13 (g EAG/100g of m. s.), 0.64 (mg cyanidin-3-glucoside/g of m. s.), 0. 32(g. of acetic acid /100g of m. s.).


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How to Cite

Chávez-Salazar, A., Guevara-Pérez , A. ., Encina-Zelada , C. ., Vidaurre-Rojas, P. ., & Muñoz-Delgado , V. . (2023). Fermentation and drying conditions in the physical-chemical characteristics of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Cultivar CCN 51. Revista Agrotecnológica Amazónica, 3(2), e555. https://doi.org/10.51252/raa.v3i2.555

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