Application of molecular tools in tropical forest genetic improvement




genetic improvement, genetic variability, molecular markers, genetic engineering


A transformation in forestry activity has been observed worldwide for several years, focusing on two phenomena. The first is the need to obtain wood to supply the industrial area through the establishment of forestry plantations. And the second, around the environmental protection of natural resources. This review focuses on the forerunner knowledge of forest biotechnology in the application of new technological tools. The information search methodology was based on the relevance of the topic, with precedent and current research, combining solid arguments to the basic understanding of emerging technologies in tropical forest genetic improvement. From the review analysis, it was concluded that the limitations are the scarce economic resources allocated to forest improvement research in search of using the new molecular tools available, as a strategy for sustainable and sustainable management of tropical forest resources.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Liévano, A. (2022). Application of molecular tools in tropical forest genetic improvement. Revista Agrotecnológica Amazónica, 2(2), e361.

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