Importance of the devices used in the Cacao fermentation (Theobroma cacao L.)




cocoa, chocolate, devices, fermentation, mechatronics, organoleptic


Achieving the best organoleptic characteristics in the resulting cocoa bean implies an adequate treatment, best practices applied and the incorporation of a type of fermenter that guarantees the success of the process. In this research, we carried out an exhaustive bibliographic review of the best practices for the construction and use of fermentation prototypes in articles published by countries that have quality grains par excellence. We present in an organized way the results of fermenting devices or prototypes that used to improve the results of the fermentation process, published in scientific journals indexed in Latindex, Scielo and preferably Scopus, with a high impact factor. We found three types of fermenter, with different characteristics, investment for their implementation and different results in obtaining the organoleptic quality of cocoa. We identified that the device with the best results is the one with a rotating drum, since it is adapted to the characteristics of the fermentation process carried out in the San Martín Region, Peru.


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How to Cite

Rios-Jara, J., & Lévano-Rodríguez , D. (2022). Importance of the devices used in the Cacao fermentation (Theobroma cacao L.). Revista Agrotecnológica Amazónica, 2(1), e281.

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