Prospective study of agricultural systems with a bovine component in the district of Cuñumbuqui, Province of Lamas, San Martín Region


  • Marco Sánchez-Huaripata Universidad Agraria de la Selva
  • Carlos Enrique Arévalo-Arévalo Universidad Agraria de la Selva



characterization, agricultural systems, components, Production system


The objective was to evaluate the factors involved in the productive process that affect the agricultural production systems with cattle component in the Cuñumbuqui district, Lamas province, San Martín region. The type of research is of a basic descriptive type, in which the format or structure of the surveys and field visits was developed, for this, preliminary coordination was carried out with local authorities or leaders of the study locations, as well as the producers. selected who were called informants. We worked with a sample belonging to three producer associations: APROAC: La Campiña Association of Agricultural Producers (28 members - Cuñumbuqui), Zapatero Livestock Association (14 members - Zapatero) and La Pinta Livestock Association (14 members - Cuñumbuqui). , corresponding to agricultural producers who currently manage this production system, of which 5 ranchers were discarded because they did not meet the desired characteristics for the present work, with a total of 51 producers. Therefore, the hypothesis in which it is suggested that there are factors involved in the productive process that determine the characteristics of agricultural systems with a component of cattle is accepted.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Huaripata, M., & Arévalo-Arévalo, C. E. (2023). Prospective study of agricultural systems with a bovine component in the district of Cuñumbuqui, Province of Lamas, San Martín Region. Revista De Veterinaria Y Zootecnia Amazónica, 3(1), e468.

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