Water quality and phytoplankton dynamic in an island lagoon of the Lake Maracaibo estuary, Venezuela





biomass, composition, diversity index, nutrients, spatiotemporal variation


The Las Tabletas lagoon located on the island of Toas in the estuarine system of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela is a refuge environment for a great diversity of biota that has been subjected to anthropogenic influence, affecting the physicochemical and biological characteristics of its waters.  In this work, the spatiotemporal variability of water quality and phytoplankton dynamic are described as key factors to understand the ecological dynamics of this significant body of water. To this end, water samples were collected and analyzed at six sampling stations (E-1 to E-6) for six months. The results indicate that the diversity of phytoplankton community (0.92‒3.59 bits/ind) was influenced by variations in depth, transparency, dissolved oxygen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (P-total) from the spatial perspective (with higher values in E-5), while transparency, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, salinity, organic matter and TKN determined the temporal dynamics of the biomass (1.5‒7.3 mg/m3) and abundance (0.20x104‒3.72x104 cells/mL) (with higher levels in December and April, respectively). A low abundance was observed with the following order in the identified divisions: Bacillariophyta >> Cyanophyta > Chlorophyta. The lagoon presents a trophic condition from mesotrophic to eutrophic, according to the levels of P-total, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton abundance.


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How to Cite

Gonzales, A., Marín, J., Mora, R., & Morales, E. (2024). Water quality and phytoplankton dynamic in an island lagoon of the Lake Maracaibo estuary, Venezuela. Revista Amazónica De Ciencias Ambientales Y Ecológicas, 3(2), e699. https://doi.org/10.51252/reacae.v3i2.699

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