Efficacy of acoustic barriers with ecobricks in the reduction of noise produced by heavy load vehicles
pollution, effectiveness, monitoring, noise level, polyethylene terephthalate, environmental noiseAbstract
Noise pollution is a difficulty that has increased in recent years, not only in Peru, but also worldwide. The quality of the urban environment, the viability of cities and the productivity of citizens are negatively impacted by noise pollution. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of acoustic barriers with ecobricks in reducing the noise produced by heavy load vehicles in urban areas of Moquegua, Peru. The ecobricks were manufactured with recyclable material, specifically polyethylene terephthalate bottles, filled with used, clean and dry plastic elements. Two barrier designs were built, design 1: without roof and door, which attenuated environmental noise by 15.87%, design 2: with roof and door, which attenuated environmental noise by 27.96%. These results indicate that design 2 was more effective in attenuating the noise produced by heavy load vehicles in the selected avenues. It was concluded that, by performing the measurements with the acoustic barriers, noise attenuation was achieved, which will benefit the population for greater tranquility and health well-being.
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