Evaluation of Snort and Suricata for detection of network probes and denial of service attacks
cybersecurity, pentest, performance, intrusion detection systemsAbstract
Intrusion detection systems are one of the most widely used tools to identify attacks or intrusions in data networks in order to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the information transmitted through them. Due to the complexity of its application in companies' cybersecurity schemes, it is necessary to carry out an objective evaluation of these solutions in order to select the tool that best suits the requirements of these organizations. The objective of this research is to quantitatively compare the performance of Snort and Suricata for the detection of network probes and denial of service attacks. The htop tool was used to test the performance of Snort and Suricata against network probes and denial of service attacks simulated with different Kali Linux applications. It was identified that Snort has a lower CPU consumption than Suricata during intrusion detection through signature analysis, however, Suricata showed better effectiveness rates. The results obtained contribute to decision making in relation to the selection, deployment and implementation of intrusion detection systems in business data networks.
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