Implementation of ITIL version 3 in organizations: Reasons for success and failure




Information, management, quality, service, technology


The implementation of a framework such as the Information Technology Infrastructure Library in organizations is essential for good management of information technology services. The objective of this review was to explore and show the reasons for the success or failure of an ITIL version 3 implementation. The systematic literature review methodology was used to search and classify reliable and quality studies published in bookstores. renowned digital target related. The research and review of different studies on ITIL implementation, identified 12 reasons for both success and failure, which are related to the human factor and organization, in some cases these reasons were explicitly obtained and in others it was adopted the inference method. Finally, it was concluded that success revolves around the commitment, attitude and aptitude of both senior management and all the people involved in the project, in addition to fluent communication, a good interpersonal relationship, and a good working environment between them, likewise, the failure is mainly due to the poor determination of the objectives and strategic alignment of the project.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Casanova, F. S. (2021). Implementation of ITIL version 3 in organizations: Reasons for success and failure. Revista Científica De Sistemas E Informática, 1(2), 54–67.