Effectiveness of the criminal review action in crimes against sexual freedom
action for review, supreme court, sexual liberty, judgmentAbstract
The objective of this article was to analyze from a casuistry point of view the effectiveness of the criminal review action in crimes against sexual freedom, for this purpose a mainly jurisprudential study was used, the type of research used is a qualitative approach. , analytical method, hermeneutical design and dogmatic aspects were followed, the analysis of the review sentences issued by the Supreme Court resulted in the fact that the review demands raised in response to convictions for crimes against sexual freedom are not effective because present errors that lead to them being declared unfounded, the first is the lack of understanding of the causes of origin of the claim, the second is that the scope of imputation of the criminal act is not taken into account and the third is that it is intended that the supreme court is a third instance. In conclusion, when you intend to file a request for review against a sentence for a sexual crime, in order for it to be effective, you must really know the case, correctly adapt the cause of origin, and provide sufficient grounds to be able to rescind the sentence.
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