Evaluation of three pruning intensities and four lunar phases in cocoa hybrids
Cob Index, seed Index3, seed Index, yield, witch's broom, diseased cobs, healthy cobsAbstract
The study was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of three levels of pruning on experimental cocoa hybrids (Theobroma cacao L.) of Trinitarian x National origin, considering the four lunar phases. A Bifactor Experimental Design was used with two repetitions and 6 experimental units. Various variables were evaluated, including the number of healthy and diseased ears, the total number of ears, the presence of "witch's broom", flowering, sprouting, seed index and ear index. The results showed that light pruning during the new Moon and the last quarter (treatments T1 and T4) produced the best yields in kg/ha/year, number of ears and seed quality. In terms of plant health, severe pruning during the full moon and last quarter (T11 and T12) and moderate pruning during the full moon and last quarter (T7 and T8) reduced the incidence of "witch's broom". and sick ears. In addition, treatments T1, T4 and T5 promoted greater flowering, light pruning and lower luminosity lunar phases had positive effects on the production, health and vegetative development of the cocoa hybrids.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Jaime Fabián Vera Chang, Luis Alberto Bautista Palma, Luis Humberto Vásquez Cortez, Rodríguez-Cevallos, Sanyi Lorena, Diego Armando Tuarez García, Juan José Reyes Pérez, Frank Guillermo Intriago Flor, Matteo Radice, Maddela Naga Raju, Karol Revilla Escobar, Jhonnatan Placido Aldas Morejon

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