Feeding BIG-6 American turkeys with a balanced diet plus turnip (Brassica rapa L.) supplementation. in the fattening phase
poultry farming, weight gain, liveweight, tuberAbstract
The present research was carried out on the premises of the Experimental Farm "La María", belonging to the State Technical University of Quevedo, located at km 7 1/2 Vía Quevedo- El Empalme, Canton Mocache. An experimental trial was conducted to determine the productive behavior of American turkeys BIG-6 (feed consumption: CA; weight gain: GP; feed conversion: CAL and yield to the carcass: CR), fed with a balanced diet and supplemented with turnip (Brassica rapa L.), in addition to organoleptic characteristics and profitability. The treatments evaluated were: T1 (control). T2 (balanced + 10.0% turnip) and T3 (balanced + 15.0% turnip). A completely randomized design (DCA) with five replications was applied. The experimental unit consisted of four turkeys. To determine the differences between means, the Tukey test (P≤0.05) was applied and for the economic analysis the Benefit-Cost Ratio. For data analysis, the statistical package S.A.S. was used. The highest (P<0.05) CA, GP, CAL and the highest profitability was recorded by the T3 treatment (160.75 g animal-1 day-1; 78.51 g animal-1 day-1, 2.0 and 87.87%, respectively). It also demonstrated the best organoleptic characteristics (texture, taste, color, smell and juiciness).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Samir Antonio Zambrano-Montes, Gabriela Natalia Suárez-Suárez, Luis Humberto Vásquez-Cortez, Kerly Estefanía Alvarado-Vásquez , Jaime Fabián Vera-Chang, Frank Guillermo Intriago-Flor, Maddela Naga-Raju, Christian Simón Rivadeneira-Barcia

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