Pension 65 and its effectiveness in protecting the elderly in Peru


  • Víctor Asenjo-Castro Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal



constitution, estate, normative, forecast


The objective of the research was to analyze whether the pension regulations 65 are effective with respect to the protection of the elderly. A not experimental basic study was used; descriptive correlational explanatory level and quantitative approach. The study sample was applied to 67 professionals specializing in pension matters from the Lima Bar Association. It was hypothesized that the pension regulations 65 would not be effective with respect to the protection of the elderly, the same that was statistically verified in 54% of the specialists surveyed, the same ones who also propose that the regulations that regulate pension 65 should be unified by the State in a comprehensive pension system that allows its accessibility and support to all older adults, which should be a system financed by both the State and the workers, depending on the specific case. The results coincide with the specialists regarding the State protecting the elderly who are in a critical situation with a pension to finance their vital needs, in this way it will be complying with the constitutional mandate to watch over the lives of all Peruvian citizens.


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How to Cite

Asenjo-Castro, V. (2022). Pension 65 and its effectiveness in protecting the elderly in Peru. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 2(1), e262.