Agronomic characterization of extraterritorial materials of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in Bolivar province




exportation, genotype, saponins, pseudocereal, nutritional value


Quinoa, native to South America, has gained importance in recent years within production systems due to its economic significance and nutritional value. In the Andean region of Ecuador, quinoa varieties with potential characteristics for use can be found. In this context, Bolívar province has suitable soil and climatic conditions for production, making the agromorphological characterization of germplasm important to diversify the production systems in this province. The research aimed to characterize promising quinoa accessions based on their agromorphological traits. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used. The results showed that variables such as plant height, grain weight per plant, and weight of mil grains are related to yield. The highest yield was achieved by the cultivar LPQ-4, with 1,444 kg ha-1, with a medium saponin content, white grain color, round shape, and large size. The accessions LPQ-4, CQ-407 Pasankalla, and Quinua Negra were selected as promising germplasm to diversify the production systems in Bolívar province, catering to local, national, and international markets.


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How to Cite

Silva-García, D., Rodríguez-Maldonado, E., & Román-Ramos, A. (2024). Agronomic characterization of extraterritorial materials of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in Bolivar province. Revista Agrotecnologica Amazonica, 4(2), e748.

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