Evaluation of the quality of bread obtained with pituca (Colocasia esculenta L.) flour
alveographic analysis, farinographic analysis, sensory evaluation, formulation, chachapoyan-breadAbstract
The impact of pituca flour (Colocasia esculenta L.) content on the physicochemical properties and acceptability of Chachapoyan-type bread was examined. The bread formulation involved the substitution of wheat flour with pituca flour at 15/85, 20/80 and 25/75 and a control group 0/100 pituca flour/wheat flour (PF/WF). Physicochemical, farinographic and alveographic analyses were performed on the different flour formulations, while the resulting bread was evaluated in terms of physicochemical properties and sensory quality, including aroma, color and texture. A complete randomized design (CRD) was used to obtain the chachapoyano bread with pituca flour. The comparison between treatments was made using Student's t-test at a significance of 0.05. In addition, a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) was used to evaluate the acceptability variable, using the Tukey test, with a significance level of 0.05. According to the farinographic results, pituca flour was classified as non-bakeable. However, in alveographic terms, the 15/85 flour blend showed close similarities to the control group, both in the flour and in the final bread.
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