Parasitic metazoans in Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) "fasaco" collected at the Belén market, Iquitos-Peru




parasites, metazoan, pentastomid, prevalence, zoonoses


The work was carried out by direct observation, search and identification of the endoparasitic fauna of Hoplias malabaricus both in internal organs and in the musculature of 50 specimens. The analysis of the fish was carried out at the Parasitology and Aquaculture Health Laboratory of the Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP). Seven nematodes (Eustrongylides sp, Procamallanus sp, Contracaecum sp, Spiroxys sp, Pseudoproleptus sp, Terranova sp, Heliconema sp); one trematode (Ithioclinostomun sp) and one pentastomid (Sebekia sp) were identified. Of the parasites mentioned, zoonotic parasites (Eustrongylides sp., Contracaecum sp., Terranova sp., Ithioclinostomun sp. and Sebekia sp.) that could be transmitted and cause harm to humans (zoonosis) were identified. Likewise, the calculation of the parasitic indexes was carried out to take into account the degree of parasitic infection that these fish possess, having genera Eustrongylides sp. and Heliconema sp. as dominant in these indexes with a prevalence of 26% and 18%; intensity of 28 and 78 individuals, mean intensity of 2.15 and 8.67, and mean abundance of 0.56 and 1.56 respectively. It is concluded that the fauna of endoparasites found in Hoplias malabaricus "Fasaco" analyzed in the present study is represented by nematodes, trematodes and pentastomids; finding among these groups zoonotic species.


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How to Cite

Cachique-Paredes, C., Navas-Vásquez, M. E. ., Tuesta-Rojas, C. A., & Murrieta-Morey, G. A. (2023). Parasitic metazoans in Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) "fasaco" collected at the Belén market, Iquitos-Peru . Revista Agrotecnológica Amazónica, 3(2), e531.