Biological cycle of Caligo idomeneus (Nymphalidae) Breeding, under controlled conditions with vertical gardens in Tarapoto




butterfly house, caligo, cephalic capsule, heliconia, instar


The work was carried out in the butterfly farm of the UNSM-T, Morales, developing a methodology for the breeding of Caligo idomeneus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) under butterfly farm conditions, with vertical gardens and feeding substrate with heliconia and banana. The eggs lasted 7 days, the larva went through 5 stages, the first instar lasted 2 to 3 days, had no horns, the average width of the cephalic capsule was 0.38 mm and a length 1.9 mm; In the second instar it was possible to see the appearance of two small horns in the anterior part of the head of 0.36 mm on average, it had an average width of the cephalic capsule of 0.56 mm and duration of 2.2 days and a length 4.12 mm; the third instar lasted 3 days, with a head capsule width of 1.04 mm, horn length of 5.74 mm, and a length of 10.40 mm; the fourth instar had a duration of 4.4 days and an average width of the cephalic capsule 4.27 mm, with a horn length of 8.02 mm and a length of 18.07 mm; the fifth instar had a head capsule width of 6.26 mm and a duration of 8.86 days, with a horn length of 14.93 mm and a length of 36.33 mm; the average pupal period was 17.46 days. The duration of the cycle, from egg to adult, was 66.90 days on average.


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How to Cite

Doria Bolaños, M., Ramirez Navarro, M., & Fachin Ruiz, G. (2021). Biological cycle of Caligo idomeneus (Nymphalidae) Breeding, under controlled conditions with vertical gardens in Tarapoto. Revista Agrotecnologica Amazonica, 1(1), 20–33.