Control of varroasis in honey bees using a natural acaricide based on Neem oil, an ecological and effective solution
acaricide, apis mellifera, VarroaAbstract
The study lasted 5 weeks, during which different treatments with varying levels of neem oil were evaluated to control (Varroa destructor) in bee colonies. Four treatments with commercial neem oil were used at concentrations of 0%, 0.33%, 0.66%, and 1.32%, each applied to 4 bee colonies, totaling 16 experimental units. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was employed for the treatments and repetitions, with fumigations carried out every 7 days over the 5-week period, collecting data for each variable. At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the treatment with 1.32% neem oil (T3) recorded the lowest infestation rate in adult bees, reaching 13.7%. This treatment proved to be the most effective in reducing the infestation rate of Varroa in the colonies, confirming the effectiveness of neem oil as a natural and ecological acaricide in controlling Varroa destructor in honey bees.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ángel Joel Yépez-Rosado, Carmen Lizbeth Verdezoto-Michuy, Diana Carolina Morales-Cabezas, Ronald Roberto Cabezas-Congo, Angel Bolívar Yépez-Yánez, Jennifer Kasandra Vera-Párraga, Patricia Palma-Roxana, Jeison Daniel Zambrano-Flores, Angel Antonio Chamorro-Palacios
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