Effect of pasture height on ruminal ph and milk production in Holstein cows, in a rye grass meadow – cajamarquino ecotype (Lolium multiflorium) and white clover (Trifolium repens)





rumen fermentation, milk, rumen pH, pasture size


It was proposed to determine the effect of pasture height on ruminal pH and milk production in Holstein cows fed on rye grass and white clover pastures, in Cajamarca. Pasture height, ruminal pH and milk production were determined. The cows grazed one week in each height treatment (T1 –low: 12 cm; T2 –medium: 17 cm; T3 –high: 23 cm) and the variables under study were recorded on the last days. A 3 x 3 Latin square was used, with three cows that rotated for three weeks. The treatments significantly affected (P<0.05) the rumen pH, the higher the pasture height, the higher the pH values (4.92; 5.02 and 5.37, respectively). A significant effect of week was observed, increasing significantly as weeks progressed (week 1: 4.87; week 2: 5.17; week 3: 5.28). The hour had a significant effect on the pH, because at the beginning of grazing they had a higher pH than at the end (Hour 1: 5.52; hour 2: 4.69). Finally, milk production was not affected by the applied treatment (low height: 18.25; medium: 18.07; high: 18.18 l/cow/day). It is concluded that the pasture height affected the ruminal pH, but not the milk production.


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How to Cite

Rojas-Vásquez, Z., Gutiérrez-Arce, F., & Gutiérrez-Arce, W. (2023). Effect of pasture height on ruminal ph and milk production in Holstein cows, in a rye grass meadow – cajamarquino ecotype (Lolium multiflorium) and white clover (Trifolium repens). Revista De Veterinaria Y Zootecnia Amazónica, 3(1), e400. https://doi.org/10.51252/revza.v3i1.400

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