Efficiency of the jurisdictional bodies against prescriptions for offenses against the person, legal peace courts of Tarapoto
qualification of claim, tacit withdrawal, determining factors, public policies, reasoning of decisions, rescheduling of hearingsAbstract
The research focuses on the legal formulas derived from the procedural simplification in cases classified as misdemeanors, in which the facts are time-barred due to the passage of time. The general objective was to determine the level of efficiency of the jurisdictional bodies in the face of the statute of limitations for misdemeanors against the person. For this purpose, applied research of quantitative approach was formulated, with a simple descriptive design, non-experimental type, conformed by a population of 31 files in the processes of misdemeanors against the person, of which the totality of the population was taken as a sample, complemented with the participation of 50 experts of the law, following the line of the technique of the documentary analysis guide and questionnaire. The results showed that the level of efficiency of the jurisdictional organs in application to the resolutions of prescription is 72 %, it is acceptable in the procedural decongestion of the courts. It is concluded that the level of efficiency is high since there is an effectiveness of the issuance of the resolutions, therefore, both the delays and the interest of the parties contribute to their prescription, leaving in some cases to be alien to the jurisdictional control itself.
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