he right to the truth and the Peruvian electoral justice system, from the perspective of international evidentiary standards, 2015 - 2021





documentary analysis, protection of rights, resolutions, electoral justice system


The objective of the investigation was to explain the protection of the right to the truth in the Peruvian electoral Justice System, from the perspective of international evidentiary standards, 2015 - 2021. The type of investigation was basic, with a qualitative approach, the method was hermeneutic, the design case study, given that the resolutions of the National Elections jury, the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court related to the subject of investigation and international standards in electoral evidence matters were analyzed and interpreted. Documentary analysis was applied as a technique and the documentary source analysis guide was applied as an instrument, with a sample of thirteen documents, obtaining as a result that the right to the truth is not guaranteed in the Peruvian electoral Justice System, from the perspective of the international evidentiary standards, since there are regulatory omissions on the electoral test, giving priority to the electoral schedule and legal certainty. In conclusion, there are evidentiary shortcomings, since, based on complying with the electoral schedule and legal certainty, the offer, admission and evidential action in the electoral process is limited, breaching the duty to find out the electoral truth.


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How to Cite

Arevalo-Rengifo, P. K. (2023). he right to the truth and the Peruvian electoral justice system, from the perspective of international evidentiary standards, 2015 - 2021. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 3(2), e481. https://doi.org/10.51252/rcri.v3i2.481