The right of defense in the immediate process for criminal flagrance in the First Preparatory Investigation court of San Martín-Tarapoto, 2018


  • Jessica Paola Yamunaqué Gonzáles Universidad Nacional de San Martin - Tarapoto
  • Jhin Demetrio Moreno Aguilar Universidad Nacional de San Martin - Tarapoto



Criminal flagrance, criminal procedure, defense law, flagrant crime, immediate process


This article entitled “The right of defense in the immediate process due to criminal flagrancy in the First Preparatory Investigation Court of San Martín-Tarapoto, year 2018”; Its main objective is to determine how the right of defense is violated in the immediate process due to criminal flagrancy in the First Preparatory Investigation Court of San Martín-Tarapoto, 2018; and as specific objectives to analyze the establishment of the immediate process by criminal flagrance and to analyze the right of defense in the immediate process by criminal flagrance. The investigation is of a basic type, at a descriptive level, of a non-experimental design, where the study sample was made up of 30 judicial files, the instruments used to collect information were the document analysis guide and the survey of the operators of law among judges, prosecutors and lawyers of the city of Tarapoto. Finally, the results show that, from the 30 files and the 30 surveys carried out, it was concluded that the right of defense is violated in the immediate process due to criminal flagrance because the established deadline is short for the technical defense of the accused can obtain and present the evidence that proves his case theory, because there is still a need to regulate new terms of Legislative Decree N°. 1194.


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How to Cite

Yamunaqué Gonzáles, J. P., & Moreno Aguilar, J. D. (2021). The right of defense in the immediate process for criminal flagrance in the First Preparatory Investigation court of San Martín-Tarapoto, 2018. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 1(2), 49–58.

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