Study techniques and anxiety before internal exams in preuniversity students




emotionality, habits, concern, reading techniques


Today the support for good academic performance before exams in all good educational levels is successful in the selection of relevant study techniques and emotional stability, for this reason in the present investigation we sought to determine the relationship that exists between the techniques of study and the anxiety before the internal examinations of the students. Non-experimental research was applied, with a quantitative approach and correlational descriptive design; a sample of 65 students was selected; Given that two questionnaire-type instruments were administered, one to measure the techniques and the other the test anxiety scale (IDASE), both duly validated and reliable; for the connection parameters the Pearson connection coefficient was changed. It was found that 92.2% (59) students use moderate study techniques and 78.1% (50) students have low anxiety. It was concluded that the study technique variable has a negative relationship Rho = -.378 and a significant p value = 0.002 less than 0.01 with the anxiety variable.


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How to Cite

Vela Vásquez, T., Fernández Sanjinés, L. A., & Ramos Vela, J. J. (2022). Study techniques and anxiety before internal exams in preuniversity students. Revista Científica Episteme Y Tekne, 1(2), e372.