Proactive personality and its relationship with procrastination in employees of a hardware company
digital laziness, job commitment, sense of service, job performance, collaboratorsAbstract
The relationship between proactive personality and procrastination is crucial for job performance. The objective was to determine the relationship between proactive personality and procrastination in employees of a hardware company. The research was applied, correlational, non-experimental design and cross-sectional. The collection instrument was a procrastination survey, with a sample of 40 employees. The results showed that the proactive personality variable was at a low level, with 95%, while 5% presented an average level. The relationship between the proactive personality variable and procrastination was 0.753 according to Pearson, indicating a moderately positive relationship. This suggests that, the more proactive the personality, the more procrastination tends to increase, although not in a strong or direct way. Therefore, it is concluded that there is indeed a high relationship.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Jim Kenny Verona-Guerrero, Sandra Lucero Requejo-Conde
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