Caring for the environment as a strategy to ensure sustainable standards of quality of life




In the Amazonian context, the former capital of Maynas, in the leafy valley of Alto Mayo, city of Moyobamba, is the Faculty of Ecology of the Universidad Nacional de San Martí, the same one that during the years of operation has been achieving a lot in various aspects. ; At present it shows a modern and implemented infrastructure, to this we add, a reorganized land of more than 200 hectares called Pablo Yacu that makes it possible to guarantee the quality of learning of the students in the different professional schools. The Faculty, in compliance with its nature, has been promoting research on environmental and health issues, therefore, through the Revista Amazónica de Ciencias Ambientales y Ecológicas, it seeks to disseminate the results found in this rigorous search and continues to be oriented to reading, analysis, replication and implementation of scientific articles based on research carried out in various lines and spaces.


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How to Cite

Azabache-Liza, Y. F. (2023). Caring for the environment as a strategy to ensure sustainable standards of quality of life. Revista Amazónica De Ciencias Ambientales Y Ecológicas, 2(1), e492.