List of the crime of coercion and customary law of the peasant rounds processed before the Soritor Mixed Prosecutor's Office, 2020


  • Karolayn Olenka Hidalgo-Wilson Universidad Nacional de San Martín



guilt, positive law, communal jurisdiction, harmfulness, procedural deadlines


The general purpose of this article was to determine the relationship between the crime of coercion and the customary law of the peasant rounds processed before the Soritor Mixed Prosecutor's Office, said in this way that contrasted with the provisions of the Political Constitution of Peru in its art. 149 about the guarantee that the peasant rounds have in exercising justice regarding jurisdictional functions within their territorial scope in accordance with customary law, as long as they do not violate the fundamental rights of the person. The type of research was a quantitative approach, with characteristics of the basic descriptive level method, the design was non-experimental where the problem was observed within the natural context of analysis, with a total of 23 folders analyzed as a population. The results show that the peasant rounds act based on the imputation of the evidence of direct participation in the crime of coercion, but that customary law does not determine or limit their action in search of justice, therefore it is concluded that aspects of customary law dinary obey the aspects of the characteristics of the investigative process equivalent to the limits of communal jurisdiction and ronderil having.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo-Wilson, K. O. (2023). List of the crime of coercion and customary law of the peasant rounds processed before the Soritor Mixed Prosecutor’s Office, 2020. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 3(2), e503.