The Parental Alienation Syndrome in the processes of custody of minors in the Specialized Family Courts of Tarapoto


  • David Enrique Del-Aguila-Vásquez Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Grethel Silva-Huamantumba Universidad Nacional de San Martín



Peruvian Legal System, parent-child relationship, SAP


Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is the main disorder that appears in the context of child custody disputes, where the main manifestation is the child's denigration campaign against the father. In that, the objective of the investigation was to analyze the application of the SAP in the processes of custody of minors in the Specialized Family Courts of Tarapoto. For this, we carried out a basic type research, non-experimental design, simple descriptive level; the population consisted of 28 judicial files for possession of minors processed before the Specialized Family Courts of Tarapoto in the periods 2017-2018, which we evaluated and analyzed through a documentary guide. The results evidence the analysis of the descriptive statistics and the theoretical inferences about the application, legal and social characteristics, and foundations of the sentences of the processes of custody of minors due to the Parental Alienation Syndrome. We conclude that the application of the SAP in the processes of custody of minors in the Specialized Family Courts of Tarapoto was deficient, as it was found that the elements of the indicators studied were not decisive in granting or not the custody of the minor to the alienated parent.


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How to Cite

Del-Aguila-Vásquez, D. E., & Silva-Huamantumba, G. (2023). The Parental Alienation Syndrome in the processes of custody of minors in the Specialized Family Courts of Tarapoto. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 3(1), e440.

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