Abuse of the administrative litigation process for the termination of the mining concession





abuse of the right, procedural abuse, mining concession, contentious-administrative process


The objective of this investigation was to study the abuse of the administrative contentious process due to the extinction of the mining concession in the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute during the year 2019. For this, an investigation with a qualitative approach was chosen in which the grounded theory, hermeneutics and the case study to interpret the data obtained from interviews with specialists and judicial processes in contentious-administrative matters related to mining rights. Likewise, the information collected from the interviews was analyzed with the help of the qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti 9 and the data collected from the judicial processes using the Excel 2016 data analysis software. The results obtained demonstrated the existence of the abuse of the process, by the holders of the mining concessions, by resorting to the contentious-administrative process with the filing of lawsuits lacking foundations and with no expectation of success, in order to request the annulment of the administrative resolution that declared the extinction of the concession mining; as well as the nullity of the administrative resolution that declared the inadmissibility of the accreditation of the payment of the right of validity and/or penalty.


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How to Cite

Díaz-Guevara, K. B., Bardales-del-Águila, L., Solis-Toledo, . R. J., & Castillo-Neyra, A. E. (2023). Abuse of the administrative litigation process for the termination of the mining concession. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 3(1), e439. https://doi.org/10.51252/rcri.v3i1.439

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