Criteria applied to determine the compensation of the affected spouse in the divorce for the cause of adultery




adultery, spouse, divorce, Specialized Family Court


In Peru, there is jurisprudence and doctrine on compensation for adultery, as a result, it is observed whether the judges of courts use those guidelines or criteria given by the legislative sources or if they use their own criteria to issue a sentence. In this sense, the purpose of the article was to determine the criteria that the magistrate of the 1st specialized family court of Tarapoto takes into account to set the compensation of the spouse affected by the separation from the body for the cause of adultery in relation to the processes developed; the type of research was quantitative, descriptive and non-experimental, using a documentary analysis sheet as an instrument. Among the results, 62.25% of claims were declared admissible and of these claims, 100% have obtained a type of reparation/compensation for non-pecuniary damage, as well as knowing the criteria applied in court for a correct process. . It is concluded that knowing the divorce on the grounds of adultery is considered the necessary documentation that proves the damage for compensation, reparation of the innocent spouse, the most common repair being moral damage, later that of loss of earnings and consequential damage.



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How to Cite

Davila-Uribe, C., & Silva-Huamantumba, G. (2022). Criteria applied to determine the compensation of the affected spouse in the divorce for the cause of adultery. Revista Científica Ratio Iure, 2(2), e358.