E-WOM on social media associated with the value of online boutique brands





motivation, purchase, digital consumption, comments, social network


Online boutiques in Tarapoto must effectively manage the perception of their consumers on social networks, since shared opinions influence purchasing decisions and, consequently, the value of the brand. The research sought to determine the association between E-WOM on networks and the value of Tarapoto 2023 online boutique brands. The study, of an applied and correlational type, was based on a sample of 384 clients to whom questionnaires were applied. The results reflected that 54.4% considered E-WOM as regular and the brand value was regular in 50.8%. Likewise, it was verified that the dimensions E-WOM motivation, the intention to consult E-WOM; E-WOM volume, E-WOM adoption were significantly associated with brand equity with significance less than 0.05, likewise, E-WOM on social media was significantly associated with the brand equity of Tarapoto online boutiques with significance equal to 0.000 and coefficient equal to 0.816. In conclusion, the way customers interact and share their experiences online has a significant impact on the image and commercial success of online boutiques in a digitalized world.


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