Professional profile of the graduate and its relationship with employability: Case study in tourism students of a Peruvian university




contextual attitudes, personality factors, structural factors, basic skills


Employability has become a determining factor for the professional success of university graduates; in the field of Tourism Administration, it is crucial for students to acquire a strong professional profile that enables them to face the challenges and demands of the industry. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the professional profile of graduates and the employability of tourism students from a Peruvian university. A descriptive correlational research design was employed. The sample consisted of 34 evaluations conducted by area supervisors during the students' pre-professional internships. Data collection was carried out through two surveys that were validated by experts. The results revealed a positive correlation of 0.3365 between the variables under analysis. It was found that the professional profile of graduates exhibited a high level of proficiency, accounting for 65% of the sample, while the employability of the students was high, reaching 94%. These findings suggest that as the professional profile strengthens, the likelihood of obtaining employment increases.


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How to Cite

Alamo-Larrañaga, K. (2023). Professional profile of the graduate and its relationship with employability: Case study in tourism students of a Peruvian university. Revista Amazonica De Ciencias Economicas, 2(2), e586.