Logistics performance, port infrastructure and maritime connectivity in the American Continent: a dynamic panel model





contenerized cargo, international trade, maritime sector


Around 80% of the goods that are part of international trade move by sea, representing 70% of the value of the goods. From the point of view of international trade, the countries that belong to the Latin American region are relevant; Therefore, the aim of this research is to study the dependence of logistics performance on the quality of port infrastructure and the connectivity of shipping lines, taking 20 countries of the American continent as a unit of analysis. This research is of a quantitative type with a correlational and explanatory scope. The information was extracted from the UNCTAD database; ECLAC and Global Economy for the years 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, for which a balanced data panel of 100 observations was formed and estimated (in the E-views 10 econometric package). The main findings confirm the hypothesis that in the American continent, logistics performance depends on the quality of port infrastructure and the connectivity of shipping lines.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Ortiz, A., Méndez-González, C., & Infante-Jiménez, Z. T. (2023). Logistics performance, port infrastructure and maritime connectivity in the American Continent: a dynamic panel model. Revista Amazonica De Ciencias Economicas, 2(2), e526. https://doi.org/10.51252/race.v2i2.526