Organizational culture and quality of attention of the administrative service in a peruvian university




motivation, teamwork, integrity, satisfaction


Technological changes are going at a fast pace both in the design of new products and new processes; on the other hand, university organizations face an increase in the quality requirements of their services. This research proposed to determine how organizational culture influences the quality of customer service by administrative staff at the National University of San Martín. The non-experimental, transactional correlational design was used; the population consisted of 5 190 users between undergraduate and postgraduate students, graduates and teachers; and the sample was 375 calculated by stratified sampling. Two structured questionnaires were used as instruments, and the Pearson correlation test to find the influence between the variables. The results highlight that 23% of the workers were never linked to the organizational culture, and the quality of attention of the administrative services is not very satisfied for 28% of the respondents and totally dissatisfied for 16%. It is concluded that there is a positive influence (p-value < 0.05; r=0.93) between the organizational culture and the quality of care in the university context.


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How to Cite

Tuesta Pinedo, J. A., Riva-Ruiz, R., Pérez-Tello, C., & Pinchi-Vásquez, A. (2023). Organizational culture and quality of attention of the administrative service in a peruvian university. Revista Amazonica De Ciencias Economicas, 2(1), e451.