Social impact of Agrarian Extension Projects during 2005 to 2010 in San Martín and Amazonas, Peru




farming, agribusiness, producers, services


The objective of this research was to determine the service plans of the Agricultural Extension Projects (PEA) that generate social impact in the Organization of Agricultural Producers (OPA) of the San Martín and Amazonas region, in the period 2005-2010. For this, an empirical study was carried out, where 33 projects participated. The results showed that 19 EAPs with service planes in both regions had a better Family Economic Return (REF); Without applying the coincidence with the 5 variables, there was only a significant difference at the technical team profile level, so there was no direct relationship and when applying the coincidence there was a direct relationship in the takeover bids. Concluding that the San Martín region had a better REF compared to the Amazon region, due to the comparative and competitive advantages of flagship crops, discovering a better social impact to the OPA in the PEA of type I and II. It is recommended to implement service plans in the execution of PEA that generate products with an export market with high REF.


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How to Cite

Saavedra-Ramírez, J. (2023). Social impact of Agrarian Extension Projects during 2005 to 2010 in San Martín and Amazonas, Peru. Revista Amazonica De Ciencias Economicas, 2(1), e433.