Influencing factors of consumer behavior and the decision to buy cell phones in Peruvian citizens


  • Seidy Vela-Reátegui Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Katherin Cerón-Díaz Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Rodrigo Aspajo-Ushiñahua Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Pierre Vidaurre-Rojas Universidad Nacional de San Martín
  • Martha Reátegui-Reátegui Universidad Nacional de San Martín



cellular equipment, consumer technology, desire to purchase, accessibility


The purchase of cell phones depends on multiple behavioral factors, however, the precise form of the aspects that influence said decision is unknown. It sought to determine the relationship of the most influential factor of consumer behavior with the purchase decision; for this, theoretical arguments of Kotler and Armstrong, and Koma and Jha were reviewed. A cross-sectional correlational non-experimental design was used. The sample population was made up of 362 participants to whom a survey questionnaire was applied. The results showed that the cultural factor (brand of the last cell phone), the social factor (desire for the future cell phone), the personal factor (age) and the psychological factor (learning left by the current cell phone) had a value less than 0.050, therefore they are considered as the most influential factors in the purchase decision; In addition, they indicated a certain significant link with characteristics, innovation and price as a fundamental aspect within the factors. It was concluded that the influential factors of consumer behavior are significantly related to the purchase decision, where the contingency coefficient (C) showed a dependence on innovation (C = 0.318), while the second was age with V Cramer equal to 0.223.


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How to Cite

Vela-Reátegui, S., Cerón-Díaz, K., Aspajo-Ushiñahua, R. ., Vidaurre-Rojas, P. ., & Reátegui-Reátegui, M. . (2022). Influencing factors of consumer behavior and the decision to buy cell phones in Peruvian citizens. Revista Amazonica De Ciencias Economicas, 1(1), e256.